William Maze

Criminal Lawyer

(734) 941-8800

19th District Court Case Lookup

The 19th District Court is located at 16077 Michigan Ave. Dearborn, MI 48126. If you have a criminal case or a traffic ticket in Dearborn, Michigan, you can use the 19th District Court case lookup online to review the status of your case as well as payment information. Civil cases may also appear in your search. You can also filter your search results while performing a 19th District Court case lookup based upon the Case Status, whether the case is open or a pending case, if the case has been adjudicated, disposed or closed, and separate civil cases from criminal cases and traffic offenses. You can further refine your 19th District Court case lookup by date.

Search 19th District Court Cases

You can search the 19th District Court cases online but the court records online do not replace the official court records on file with the 19th District Court. Nonpublic cases are not accessible through the online search of cases, e.g. drug charges under 333.7411, criminal charges disposed under HYTA, etc. Neglect/Abuse cases are also not displayed.

     ⇨ 19th District Court Case Lookup ⇦

Felony charges that have been bound over from the 19th District Court in Dearborn to the Wayne County Circuit Court in Detroit can be searched online for additional records by visiting the Third Circuit Court online case lookup.